
Danac Burial Cave

A blogger shares his story about the burial cave in Danac, which he visited last April 5, 2013. This would be a delight for most of us who haven't been there yet. Let's get to know more about the burial cave, straight from the eyes and words of a traveler. Read on.

The Journey going to Municipality of Sugpon, Ilocos Sur

From San Fernando City, La Union, I rode a bus going to Bangar, La Union at around 6 o’clock in the morning. Met my “Kumpare” at Bangar and invited him so I’ll have a companion for this adventure. From Bangar Supermarket we rode a “single” motor passenger bike (we are 3 on the bike including the driver) going to Sugpon, Ilocos Sur. Passing by the eastern Barangays of Sudipen, La Union, and because it’s summer, we crossed Amburayan River much easier at this time of the year. No need for a motorized raft to transport you to the other side of the river, for a small bridge was made for light vehicles to pass on (a construction had also begun for a much bigger main bridge).

Arriving at downtown Sugpon, Ilocos Sur, we paid the driver and visited their Municipal Hall. In front of the Municipal Hall, at the entrance porch, two men are seated on a bench. “Good morning sir” I said to them and asked “sir, where is the way to the waterfalls?” “Ahh, there are waterfalls here but because it is now summer, they are all dried up” he answered smiling, “Where are you from?” introduced ourselves and then asked again “Are there any tourist spots here where we can visit sir?”, he answered back “Hmmm? None but you can walk around the barangays (village)”. Perhaps noticing that we are a little bit dismayed, he said “If you want you can visit the burial caves, but it will be a long travel”. A big smile came out of my face and I said “Yes sir, even if it’s far, we want to see the burial cave”.

He gave us the instructions how to get there, then he let us log in to their municipal log/guest book (the one usually held by security guards). I asked the man “Sir what is your name again?” ”I am Mayor Fernando C. Quiton Sr.” he answered back. Upon hearing what he said, my face brightened up even more with almost ear to ear smile (hahaha! I said deep inside). I shook his hands and thanked the mayor and said goodbye. 

The Journey Going to Barangay DANAC

We hired the same “single” motor bike to take us to Sitio Toyeng of Barangay Banga. The sitio is located at the foot of the mountain where some few stores are situated facing the almost desert-like banks of the river and it is here where the road going up to the mountain barangays starts. We bought some candies, biscuits and c2 (no bottled water available) just in case we starve along the way. The driver will just wait for us at that Sitio Toyeng as the trail is brutal for the “single” motor bike. Soon we went for a hike along the wide rocky, hot, wide open river bed going south. Where the river crosses our path, we took the tree trunkbridges, provided with a bamboo handrail for going to the other side (we crossed the river trice using tree trunk as foot bridges and one literally crossing river on knee deep water the entire journey).

At Barangay Caoayan along the river we met a man working at his garden and asked for directions. He said “just follow the electric wire lines and you won’t get lost” which we gladly did. Upon arrival at Barangay Danac we asked from a young lady seated on the window sill, where can we find a store in the area, and showed us the same house which has a store in its front. We bought a 1.5 liters soft drink, not cold for the girl said their refrigerator did not yet arrived (found out that it was just last year that they had electricity in their village). The Husband and wife came out and greeted us and we let our purpose known. We asked if we can order some cooked noodles just for lunch but they offered us another cooked food instead. The wife went to chapel and came back with some plates of food and said “we just finished our feast of our patron saint in the chapel awhile ago, come inside and eat” an offer we cannot resist.

After eating they called upon one of their Barangay Councilor to accompany us in going to the Burial Cave.


Located just above the village, on the side of the mountain is a small cave. One must stoop to get inside as the cave is not that high. Inside are three burial tree trunks, cut from a large tree to form a barrel or a drum, if I’m not mistaken measuring about 0.50 meters to some 0.80 meters in diameter. The two large ones are capped with a flat stone. The small one, which is badly damaged is said to be of a young boy named “Bengegan”.

The other two has also names (but have to ask the eldest of the barangay). It is said that these were the first residents of the area. The caves were long seen by the barangay’s elders, even their ancestors have seen it, I was told. Some skulls and jaws of cows and pigs are scattered at the side of these burial trunks together with some rocks. At the lower western side of the cave are other smaller caves where animal bones are placed. There was an incident that one of the burial trunks was stolen, but the villagers got it back. Cracks on the cave walls and ceiling were present, a chunk of soil are ready to fall down anytime, as well as the cave’s mouth is slowly being shut closed by soil erosion. Last year (2012) some authorities from Manila visited and inspected the Burial cave but until now the people of Barangay Danac are still waiting for the findings of the Authorities from Manila. - CLICK HERE to continue reading.

Pagnapagna.blogspot.com is a travel blog owned by an Architect from La Union. He describes himself as an artist who ventures the "walks of life". Loves nature tripping and the simple life. You can check out his other blog at pagnapagnasketch.blogspot.com, and Facebook page.